4 Reasons Successful People Still Carry Business Cards

Your grandparents have Instagram accounts and gave up cable for Netflix two years ago, so why would you need something as archaic as business cards?

1. They Make You Look Professional

Business cards aren’t just for showing off your super cool logo, they’re pretty much still a prerequisite to presenting yourself as the professional that you are. If a potential client asks you for something and you’re unprepared in your very first interaction with them, you can bet that they’re going to find someone who is prepared.

2. They’re icebreakers!

When is the right time to ask someone for their phone number? The anxiety inspired by this question is one of the biggest reasons people still rely so heavily on business cards. At networking or business events, it’s expected that you hand out your cards and ask for them in return. This courteous social expectation makes it way easier for you to give and get important contact information — and in a way that’s much more memorable than online, which brings us to our next point.

3. It’s more memorable!

A business card exchange should follow a conversation. It doesn’t have to be all about your careers. It should be something memorable. After you’ve shown them  that you’re a real human too and (obviously) watch House Hunters just like they do, your exchange of information is already much more memorable than a cold call or a quick contact form.

4. Show off your super cool logo!

If you’ve invested in your brand (which you absolutely should) why not put it to work? Your brand should be telling the right story to the right people, and if we helped you with it, we know it does. Use that effective brand to stand out at networking events with business cards that are a far cry better looking than your competitors’ cards.

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